
Bold Thinking Creates Inspiring Designs


Confident designs start with careful listening. Swiss Interior established 2012, lives to inspire spaces for people in Singapore by combining creative solutions and aesthetics to transform homes.

Enabled by clients’ visions, customised designs often exceed their expectations as Swiss Interior designs for the different roles people play in their lives. A perspective often overlooked; where and how clients live, work, heal, play and learn, are definite spaces to be crafted.

With these honed insights, active listening and fearless creativity well in play, design performance boasts outstanding innovation and quality as well.

As designers in Swiss Interior, accountability, hands-on service and being a champion in diversity are values we offer throughout our clients’ journey.

Always At Your Service,
Jason Koh
Founder, Swiss Interior


About Swiss Interior Design

We are a leading interior design company in Singapore with years of experience in creating striking homes and comfortable spaces. We believe in establishing clear communication with clients to understand their needs, goals, and design preferences. We keep our clients in the loop as we conduct feasibility studies and site evaluations to ensure that the end interior design product is beyond expectations.

Whether you have an HDB or condo in Singapore, we strive to give the same amount of dedication and attention to every project, irrespective of its size. We take on each client’s requirements as a challenge and put in our dedicated efforts to ensure client satisfaction.

Our interior design and renovation projects follow streamlined processes that involve careful planning to meticulous implementation. We use computer aided 3D software to create and finalise design drawings, perspective drawings, and space planning layouts which are then presented to the client. These drawings and layout serve as a great means for the clients to see what their homes will look like after the interior design is completed.

At Swiss Interior, our service to you does not end after we hand over the project to our clients. What sets us apart from other Singapore interior design companies is our belief in creating long-term friendships and commitment with our clients. We offer a comprehensive range of after-sales services to ensure that you continue to enjoy the best services even after completion of your interior design project.